The Importance of Art in Your Child’s Life

Kid Art

Many people don’t realize how important art is to a developing child. Being able to express yourself creatively has many advantages. It stimulates both sides of your brain. Art enhances a child’s motor skills as they learn to draw patterns and shapes. As your child draws, he or she is deciding what to put on the paper, what comes next, and what colors they should use. It is a fun activity that encourages decision-making skills. As they think more and more, creativity will blossom. It is also important for language development. As the child is introduced to more colors and shapes, they will learn how to apply new words. Art improves a child’s visual-spatial abilities. They will learn how to process objects long before they learn how to read. When working on an art project and given the ability to create whatever their imagination holds will improve their innovation skills. These skills will travel with them into adulthood and make them successful in life. As they create new pieces of art, their self-esteem will improve, giving them a sense of self and pride in what they can do. Art can teach your child to problem solve and help them realize there is often more than one solution to any given problem.

Many schools have decided to do away with their art programs. They use the school funding for core classes and concentrate only on improving test scores. Dismissing art is a huge mistake. There is evidence that children who have art in their life usually test better. However, many schools do not look at this and picture art classes as a waste of time. It is essential now more than ever to encourage your child’s creative expression. It’s important to make sure that our children are able to explore these skills. We do not need to have the schools do it for us; we can help foster their growth at home. Have a family art night and make creations with them. Not only will it encourage your child’s artistic growth, but it provides quality bonding time.

Art provides so much in helping our child learn and grow. But it is more than just learning. When you participate in art with your children, you are creating a bonding experience. These experiences help your child know that you are by their side in a loving and caring way. It promotes the value of teamwork. This is a needed skill that they will carry with them for life. Many colleges and places of employment encourage working as a team to get the task done. When you create art with your children, they are learning the process of sharing information and the value of the creation that is made. Finally, when doing art with your children, you create memories that they will cherish throughout their life. A child is only young once. To hold a place in their hearts forever you need to proactively be in their life now. Make those memories and create!


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