Start a New School Trend with MyDesign Paintable Boots
Hi everyone! My name is Christina and I’m an incoming 5th-grade student.
Summer is over and school is just around the corner. A lot of kids hate this because it means the end of the fun times. However, I am excited to go back. I enjoy school- it gives me the opportunity to learn new things about the world. For example, last year, I really enjoyed 4th grade because of natural science class – I learned that there are various creatures that have entirely new sensibilities different from humans! Amazing! Also, my reading teacher introduced me to new stories that had interesting plot lines and characters whose courage and strength I fell in love with.
I also like school because I get to meet new friends and people. Vacation usually only means being stuck at home, hanging out with my siblings. Don’t get me wrong, I really love them, but I know I should spend time with my peers. My friends and I are curious about the world and talk a lot about the latest news and happenings. When it comes to toys and playthings, we become obsessed with different stuff.
I hope that I’ll be able to share my new fascination for the custom boots my mother introduced to me recently. It’s the MyDesign Paintable Boots Kit! I was really surprised to learn that a pair of diy shoes can serve as a blank canvas for design projects. I can draw a lot of artsy things in the shoe itself that expresses who I really am. The best part of it all – I can wear my creations! They’re 100% waterproof, flexible and non-crackable. They’re really comfy and don’t feel stiff at all.
I’ve only shared this magical pair of boots to my friend Brittany. She loves it! Because Brittany is a budding artist, she likes the fact that you can erase your drawings via the magical erasing pads and repaint the boots so you can wear a “different” one anytime!
For sure, when Brit and I wear our boots to school, we’ll be able to start a new trend. Many kids will appreciate the fact that MyDesign’s paintable boots are both unique and useful. The incoming school year is gonna be awesome!
Buy a set for yourself (or your kid) today and you’ll see what I’m talking about!
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