Let me tell you a story of paint…

Let me tell you a story of paint, wellington boots  and bored children. Once upon a time, there were two children, brother and sister, who loved fun kid’s crafts. But they had a problem. See, they had already painted everything in the world. They had painted boxes. They had painted bags. They had painted tiny bird houses. They had painted paints and t-shirts. They had painted mugs. They had even painted horrible, stiff stuffed dogs. Anything you could paint, they had painted.They were bored. With no fun kid’s crafts left to paint, they painted walls. They painted expensive wood floors. They painted doors. They painted the bathroom mirrors.  They painted the real dog. (He wasn’t so happy about that and chased them, howling, out of the kitchen.)

The children’s parents were at a loss. Their home was covered in tacky, drying paint. What should they do with these mad painting children? The searched high and low for something new to paint. They were almost in despair, until they discovered My Design’s Paintable Boots Kit. Here was something new for the children to paint! They could paint their boots!

The parents showed the boots to the children. At first, the children weren’t sure. “How can you paint rain boots? Won’t the paint come off?” they asked

“They’re waterproof!” said their parents.

Still unsure, the children unpacked their non-toxic paints and two paintbrushes per kit and proceeded to paint those boots. They painted them with wonderful intricate designs. (They were very experienced painters by now.) By the time they were done, those boots were fit for Stars .

They slipped the boots on and went out to test them in the puddles, where they discovered, to their glee, that their designs did not run off  and their feet stayed warm and toasty. They also discovered that the world was full of flowers and bees and other things to look at.

And though they still loved fun kid’s crafts, they never drew on the walls again.

The End.

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