
Start a New School Trend with MyDesign Paintable Boots

CIMG9909Hi everyone! My name is Christina and I’m an incoming 5th-grade student.

Summer is over and school is just around the corner. A lot of kids hate this because it means the end of the fun times. However, I am excited to go back. I enjoy school- it gives me the opportunity to learn new things about the world. For example, last year, I really enjoyed 4th grade because of natural science class – I learned that there are various creatures that have entirely new sensibilities different from humans! Amazing! Also, my reading teacher introduced me to new stories that had interesting plot lines and characters whose courage and strength I fell in love with.

I also like school because I get to meet new friends and people. Vacation usually only means being stuck at home, hanging out with my siblings. Don’t get me wrong, I really love them, but I know I should spend time with my peers. My friends and I are curious about the world and talk a lot about the latest news and happenings. When it comes to toys and playthings, we become obsessed with different stuff. Continue reading

MyDesign Paintable Boots Kit Available at from June 24 – 27, 2015

zulilyWe are excited to announce that MyDesign is now selling paintable boots kit at from June 24-27, 2015!

We recognize Zulily’s mission to serve mothers who are on the lookout for unique brands and products for their children. We hope to become part of this movement using our creative boots. Our products aim to ignite your kid’s imagination, encourage them to explore their creative side, and personalize their ordinary footwear.

Our unique Paintable Boots Kit is immensely popular and has been sold around the globe.
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Showing Off My Own Style with MyDesign Paintable Boots

fashionista_5Hello everyone! My name is Ellie, and I’m a proud fashionista. My mom likes to dress me up, and I do enjoy wearing all the clothes she bought for me. I was happy that there are plenty of dresses that look good on me, but there is this one thing that really got me excited when I received it: a MyDesign Paintable Boots kit!

I was given a chance to make my own boots. I was actually scared to try it at first because I’m not really that good when it comes to painting. What would I do if I paint something I didn’t like? But my mom encouraged me to just play freely with the paintable boots because if I wanted to change something, I can easily erase it with the magic eraser pads!
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Spending Quality Bonding Time with Dad on Father’s Day Using MyDesign Paintable Boots

bryan_dadHello, Bryan here. I’m 11 years old. Drawing and painting are my favorite hobbies. It started out a few months ago when my dad bought me a watercolor kit. I actually used it all up already, but I still keep the palette in my room. Last month, my dad bought me more art materials, and one of them is MyDesign’s Paintable Boots Kit.

I’m not very familiar with using paint on custom boots because I only used watercolor on paper before. However, I still decided to give it a try and it wasn’t that much different at all! I was painting the right boot, while my dad was working on the left. We had a little contest on who can make the cutest dog design on the creative shoes. I don’t mean to brag, but mine looks a little bit better because my dad’s dog painting was missing an ear! I laughed really hard when we finished with the artwork. It was a lot of fun!
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Bringing Your Creative Boots in Lakes and Rivers

ilovedesign_boots16Need a perfect summer getaway? Usually, families would prefer to visit the beach during this season. But if the sandy shores aren’t really your thing, then you can plan a trip to a lake or a river as an alternative to beating the summer heat. Some of the fun things you can do in the lake or river are fishing, kayaking/paddling, and having a picnic with your loved ones.

If you’re planning to have an exciting trip to these places, make sure that your kid is wearing the right footwear so he can stay safe while having fun. Children’s creative boots are the most recommended shoes for exploring rivers and lakes because it keeps their feet dry and comfortable while wading in the water. But of course, you can’t just pick any boot that you find on the market. It has to be functional, but it should also look stylish so that your child will be will be willing to wear it.
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Enjoy Your Hiking Trip with MyDesign’s Paintable Boots!

ilovedesign_boots10Aside from going to the beach and learning a new sport, another fun summer activity that your kids can do is hiking.

Nothing really beats the experience of exploring mountain trails, camping outdoors, huddling in a bonfire, and staring at the starlit night sky.

In this type of outdoor activity, it’s important that you choose the right footwear for your kid. Mountain trails aren’t paved and smooth. There are also instances wherein you need to cross rivers and streams. So to keep your child’s feet well-protected against the elements, you can let him wear a pair of MyDesign’s paintable boots!
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Fun Summer Activity: Redesign Your MyDesign Creative Boots

ilovedesign_boots14Summer is finally here! Now that the snow has melted, it’s time to store your dark-colored shoes in the basement and bring out your fancy creative boots with bright and lively colors.

Wait, you can wear boots during summer? Although summertime means sunshine, clear skies and warm weather, these rubber boots can still be of great use, especially if you’re doing outdoor activities like gardening.

In addition, a pair of children’s paintable boots can also come in handy if you are planning to visit the beach or lake. But to make it more fun and exciting, you need to make sure that the design of the footwear matches the season.
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Painting boots with Mom and Dad

MyDesign - Children's Paintable Boot KitHello everyone! My name is Tommy and I am 10 years old. I just love painting my own rain boots from MyDesign!

It’s the rainy season where I live and I don’t get to play outside very much right now. It’s no fun to stay inside the house all day doing nothing, so my mom gave me something fun to do to pass the time! Can you guess what it is?

It was a MyDesign paintable boots kit!

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How I Bond with My Kid using Creative Boots

Paintable Boots Mother & DaughterWhen I was small, I was unlike the other kids who loved physical activities. I liked staying indoors and getting my hands, clothes (and some furniture) dirty as I paint the afternoon away. Although my works of art don’t rival Picasso’s or Monet’s or Van Gogh’s, it felt really rewarding knowing I was able to express my creativity and imagination. My mother would often accompany me during those times; drawing shapes and animals, and letting me identify them. She’s no artist as well, but I was touched at the effort that she put in order to bond with me, her child.
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