Fun and Creative Fashion Ideas for Kids

paintable shoesWe don’t often think of fashion as fun, especially for kids. Either fashion is practical or it’s following the current fashion rules or it’s ridiculously out on a limb and only meant for rich people and models. But making fashion “fun” is a great way to expand your child’s imagination and creativity.

Here are some great ways to introduce kids to some fun and creative fashion.

  1. Give your kids ribbons and let them make an article of clothing out of them.
  2. Keep scraps of cloth around or buy cheap fabric on sale. Give your kids scissors and let them go wild.
  3. Collect buttons. Teach your kids how to sew buttons on. Replace missing buttons with fun buttons. Cover dresses in buttons. If you are brave, teach them how to make button holes.
  4. Have a fun hair day. Let your kids style your hair in weird ways. Style their hair in weird ways. (Probably not with scissors though.)
  5. Buy cheap hats and some glitter pens. Make glitter hats.
  6. Watch a fashion show. Notice how creative some of the designs are. Try to see if you can mimic the outfits with your scrap cloth.
  7. Put on a fashion show of your own.
  8. Buy t-shirts and paint on them. Or do tie-dye.
  9. Buy a simple pattern and learn to sew with your child.
  10. Let your children design some doll outfits and then try to make them.
  11. Modify some worn out clothes to be cool and new again.
  12. Take your kids to the store and let them pick out an entire outfit. Don’t criticize any of their choices.
  13. Teach your kids to knit. Or learn to knit with them.
  14. Buy a Paint Your Own Boots kit from My Design.  Paint wild and wacky colors and then go stomp around in the rain. (No worries, once the paint is dry, it’s totally waterproof!)

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