No Mistake Guarantee – Wipe your mistakes away

IMG_2997How many times in life do you actually hear that it’s OK to fail or make a mistake? Sometimes you just have to jump in and try without fear of failure.
If famous inventors were afraid of their mistakes, they would not press on to success in making that amazing or useful discovery. Most men or women who do great things in life do so after many attempts that fail, but they are not discouraged. Anyone who has studied history of the U.S. Presidents knows of Abraham Lincoln’s many failed attempts in almost every aspect of his life. Even after he became president, he suffered losses and situations some would chock up to mistakes. But, even though his life and presidency ended tragically, he had pressed on during his lifetime to become a well-loved president known for freeing slaves.
As another example, the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, was a Harvard dropout. The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, was actually once fired by the very company he started before exploring other endeavors and eventually returning to be Apple’s CEO. Thomas Edison is said to have tried and failed a thousand times before being credited for inventing the light bulb.
Walt Disney was once fired from a job at a newspaper. The reason given? “He was not creative enough!” Speaking of creativity, during his lifetime; artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting.
There are countless other “failures” throughout history. These mistakes and so-called failures is what these amazing men and women used to learn, grow, and continue on until they were called a success.
So, what do these very inspirational life stories have to do with a pair of boots? The answer is simply that fear of making a mistake often shows up even in doing something that should be enjoyable, and there’s really no better place to start conquering fear of failure than to literally pick yourself up by your bootstraps, grab a paintbrush and begin to create your own design. Express yourself with no worries of making a mistake.
When you design your own rain boots with MyDesign, you are free to leave your perfectionist worries behind. Start with the DIY for kids paintable boots set, and there is no room for failure. If you make a mistake while painting, you simply use the magical erase pads to wipe clean any unwanted design and start fresh – As many times as it takes to get it right. You will be amazed at how easy your “mistakes” wipe clean to give you a fresh slate to begin anew with an even better design. Now, if they just made these magical eraser pads for real life.

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