Be unique

What to Paint on Your mY Design Paintable Boots


Putti5-26-2016ng your very own custom design on your mY Design Paintable Boots and Shoes is easy and a lot of fun.  Here are some tips and tricks to create some playful characters and designs for a one of a kind accessory everyone should have:
  1. Butterflies

Paint a line. Draw four long triangles with the points against the line. Add a long swirly antenna to one end of the line.

  1. Cats

Paint a circle. Draw a tiny triangle in the middle of the circle for a nose. Draw two circles on either side of the triangle for… Continue reading

Painting the World Unique

5-26-16 Painting the World UniqueOnce there was a world with no color. No reds. No yellows. No blues. Only black and white and grey. Everything looked the same.  Nothing was unique or stood out as special.

In this world lived a little girl named Anne. Anne had never seen a color before, so she didn’t know what she was missing. But she felt, somehow, down deep in her heart that life was a bit duller than it should have been. She felt a need. She felt unique and wanted to bring her uniqueness out to share with the world.

The people in… Continue reading