Choosing the Perfect Children’s Boots for Gardening

MyDesign Paintable BootsAside from garden shears, pots, and other implements, another important thing to consider when gardening outdoors is the footwear. The soil where you will plant your seeds can be difficult to walk on, especially during the rainy season. So if you want your kid to enjoy while helping out in planting and harvesting crops, then you should definitely give him a good pair of children boots.

There are a lot of products in the market, but not all of them are created equally. Check out this short post to learn more about the factors you should consider when choosing the right custom boots for your little ones.

  1. Is the footwear waterproof?
    Planting means that you’ll be dealing with a lot of wet soil. This means that your child’s shoes need to have water-proof properties in order to keep their feet protected and comfortable. MyDesign Limited uses paintable Zimbi Boots & Wellies that are made from high quality rubber. It’s 100% waterproof, so your kid can help out in the garden without the fear of his feet getting soaked, or his shoes getting damaged.
  1. Do they have an appealing design?
    When it comes to gardening, the design of the boots isn’t really that important. However, most kids will be more enticed by creative boots with fun designs instead of plain-looking ones. Adults may also feel this way when choosing their own footwear.

    MyDesign Paintable BootsFinding the right design that’s appealing to kids can be tricky. In these situations, you can opt to design your own paintable shoes instead. Similar to the Zimbi boots, MyDesign Limited’s paint set is also water-proof and crack-resistant. They also offer reusable sticky stencils to help kids draw fun caricatures with ease. Not only can these shoes protect their feet from outdoor elements, but it’ll also make them look stylish as well!

  1. Does it have a comfortable fit?
    Another tricky thing to consider when choosing diy boots is finding the right size for your kid. Most garden boots don’t come with laces, so they don’t really have the snug fit found in different types of footwear. Make sure that their boots are not too tight and not too loose around the calf area. You can measure your child’s shoe size here.

Paint your kid’s garden boots today and have a fun time while planting outside!

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