When Reboot Has Nothing To Do with A Computer: Rebooting or Recreating Your Paintable Boots

We often hear the word reboot when talking about computers and how its system works. But there is another way of looking at that word now and that is, to re-boot or recreate your existing paintable boots. Yes, you read that right! You can recreate your beautifully-painted footwear and come up with an even greater design that you can be proud of.

Paintable boots have started to gain its well-deserved popularity. This is because the product offers endless possibilities – multiple design ideas from different shapes and colors, combination of both, and many other creative ideas that your imagination will allow you to come up with. Speaking of possibilities, this article will give you simple tricks on how you can “reboot” your paintable boots!

So, how do you recreate your existing creative shoes? Here’s how!

  • Grab a piece of magical erasing pad and lightly rub it on the shoe. In just a few seconds, the paint will be removed. Clean the erased area using a wet tissue.
  • My Design’s footwear art kit comes with a set of magic eraser pads. But if you still need more, you can also purchase additional ones.
    Once that’s done, conceptualize another design idea to make your old boots look like brand new.
  • Second, you have the liberty to choose whether you want to paint the caricatures freehand, or use a stencil instead. If you decide to use a stencil, that’s also so easy to do! Get a cardboard or a thick piece of paper, cut it to your desired shape, and then paint on the inside of the stencil and onto the boots. Using a stencil will allow you to create perfect and identical shapes. This is ideal for those who want each of their boots to have similar designs.
  • Third, the only thing left now is to wait for the paint to dry. Once dry, you can walk on puddles under the rain in style. Don’t worry about the paint peeling off because they are waterproof and can only be removed using the eraser pads. Wear your creation proudly and brag about your magic paintable boots.

That was easy, right? My Design’s paintable boots are ideal educational children gifts. It is functional, beautiful, and will help the young ones unleash their inner Picasso. Don’t worry, mom and dad, you can try this for yourselves too! Visit our website to browse for design ideas. Have fun!

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